بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
(May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you)
to be the compassionate and merciful Allah, just and wise, who and it is to Him
that we return. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah grants his favour
and mercy to whoever obeys Him, who is angered by and punishes whoever disobeys
Him. He is self Sufficient, All powerful, the greatest, the most high. Praise
to Him exalted be his countenance, mighty be His dominion. It is He who judges,.
To proceed:
was a request made to me from some righteous brother to compose a booklet for
the Muslims regarding the issue of number of rakaats in Taraweeh Salah.
The month of Ramadan is a month of blessings and period of goodness and
serenity for all the Muslims. This blessed month attempts to generate awareness
to the responsibilities towards self and other peoples and all of Allah’s
During this month the Holy prophet (pbuh) has counseled Muslims to increase
their devotion to prayers and good deeds.
“Narrated Abu Huraira (R.A), Allah’s
Apostle (pbuh)said, “Fasting is a Shied (or a screen or a shelter). So, the
Person observing fasting should avoid Sexual relation with his wife and should
not behave foolishly and impudently, and
If somebody fights with him or abuses him, he should tell him twice, “I
am fasting “the Prophet (S.A.W) added by him in whose hands my soul is, the
smell coming out from the mouth of a fasting person is better in the sight of
Allah than the smell of musk. (Allah says about the fasting person) “He has
left his food, drink and a desire for my sake .The fast is for me. So I will
reward (the fasting person) for it and the reward of good deed is multiplied
ten times “. Sahih Al Bukhari Volume 3 page 65
The above hadith expounds the blessing of the month of Ramadhan. The
day time is left for fast, give charity, and fend for Halal earning and the
night is surrendered to prayers, in the remembrance of Allah.
“Narrated Ibne Abas (R.A): the prophet (S.A.W) was the most generous
among the people, and he used to be more so in the month of Ramadhan when Gabriel
visited him, and Gabriel used to meet him on every night of Ramadhan till the
end of the month. The Prophet (S.A.W.S.) used to recite the Holy Quran to
Gabriel, and when Gabriel met him, He used to be more generous than a fast wind
(which causes rain and welfare).”
Al – Bukhari
Vol.3 page 70
“Narrated Aisha (R.A); with the start of the last ten days of Ramadhan
the prophet (S.A.W) used to tighten his waist belt (i.e. work hard) and use to
pray all the night, and used to keep his family awake for the prayers” Sahih
al Bukhari Vol. 3 Page 134
The above hadith indicate that during the time of the holy prophet
(S.A.W) the nights of Ramadhan were devoted to prayers and the consistent
reciting of the holy Quran. Good deeds were even more so encouraged. The month
of Ramadhan increases the spiritual vitality of the Muslim .we observed that
the present day Muslim increases his activities in charity, recital of the holy
Quran and attendance to prayers. He becomes more humble towards fellow beings
and is more merciful towards other creatures.
Qayamul Lail
The blessed month of Ramadhan inculcates into the believer an enhance
activity of pious action including prayers in the night of Ramadhan. During
Ramadhan we observe Muslim ardently attending the five times compulsory (Farz)
prayers in the night of prayers. “Qayamul Lail” also known as “Salatul Lail” is
known commonly known as Taraweeh.
Various groups of Muslims have differed on the number of rakaats for
the performance of Taraweeh. This number varies from 8 to 41 rakaats.This
variance in the performance of rakaats sometimes creates dissension amongst Muslims.
These differences occur when some Muslim in their enthusiasm pray with
added rakaats and the others persist on performing the number of rakaats as
performed by the holy prophet (S.A.W). Also, there is a general misinformation
and inadequate knowledge as to the number of rakaats performed by the holy Prophet
When Muslims should disagree in a matter or religion, Allah Almighty
says in the Holy Quran:
“O ye who believe! Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and those
charged with authority among you.
If ye differ in anything among yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger,
If ye do believe in Allah and the last day; That is best, and most suitable For
final determination.”
Al Quran 5:59
Any matter of contention amongst Muslims, by the above verse, is
advised by Allah Almighty to be referred to him by way of his commandments, the
Holy Quran and to the holy prophets (pbuh) by way of his Sunnah. The night
prayer (Qayamul Lail) was obligatory in the area times on Muslims but was made
optional when the verse 20 of Surah muzzamil was revealed. this optional prayer
known as Qayamul Lail has also , technically received the name of Tahajjud and
was observed throughout the year by the Holy prophet (pbuh) either in the early
or latter part of the night, praying
intermittently , and sleeping in between . The witr prayer was the last prayer
of the night as indicated in the following hadith:
“Narrated Abdullah (bin Umar)
R.A.: The Prophet (S.A.W.S) said, “Make witr as your last prayer at night.”
Sahih Bukhari Volume 2, Page 59.
The above hadith relates the command of the Holy prophet (pbuh) in
regard to making witr the last prayer of the night. With this in mind the
following hadith is quoted:
Narrated Aisha R.A. Allah’s Apostle (pbuh) offered witr prayer at
different nights at various hours extending (from the Isha prayer) up to the
last hour of the night. Sahih Bukhari Volume 2 page 59
From the above hadith it is established that the night prayer was also
offered in the early part of the night throughout the year. The Holy prophet
(pbuh) and his companions offered this prayer either individually or in
congregation in their homes.
This is clearly stated by Ibne Abbas R.A. who explaining the verses of
SURAH Muzzamil says:
“The phrase “the vigil of the night” (naashi’
at al Lail) means the early hours of the night. They (the companions) would pray
(the Tahajjud prayer) in the early hours of the night.”
Sunan Abu Daud , Vol. 1 page
Once, in the latter years, during one Ramadhan, the Holy Prophet did an
unusual thing as the following hadith suggests:
“Aisha reported: The Messenger
of Allah (pbuh) came out during the night and observed prayer in the mosque and
some of the people prayed along with him. When it was morning the people talked
about this and so a large number of people gathered there. The Messenger of
Allah (pbuh) went out for the second night, and they (the people) prayed along
with him. When it was morning the people began to talk about it. So the mosque
thronged with people on the third night. He (the Holy Prophet) came out and
they prayed along with him. When it was the fourth night, the mosque was filled
to its utmost capacity but the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) did not come out.
Some persons among them cried: “Prayer” But the Messenger of Allah (pbuh)
did not come to them till he came out for the Morning Prayer. When he had
completed the morning prayer, he turned his face to the people and recited
Tashhud (I bear testimony that there is no god but Allah and I bear testimony
that Mohammed is His Messenger) and then said: Your affair was not hidden from
me in the night, but I was afraid that (my observing prayer continuously) might
make the night prayer (Qayamul Lail) obligatory for you and you might be unable
to perform it.
Sahih Bukhari
1, Page 367.
This hadith mentions the
concern and fear of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) on the possibility that the
night prayer that he usually prayed at home and for a few days prayed by
congregation in the mosque during one Ramadhan could have been made obligatory
by Allah as it was made obligatory before verse 20 of Surah Muzzamil was
revealed repealing its mandatory nature. A similar opinion is expressed by Imam
Ibne Hajr in his commentary of Sahih Bukhari in Fathul Bari Vol. 3 Page 14.
Number of Rakaats
This unique action of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) during one Ramadhan only,
when he prayed in the mosque in congregation for three consecutive days and has
been reported from various authentic sources in most books of hadiths. There is
one basic omission from all these reports, and that is the number of rakaats
that was performed by the holy prophet (pbuh). (See footnote – 1)
The omission , as one may
conclude , is not deliberate nor overlooked, but it vehemently signifies that
there was no conflict as to the number of rakaats that was performed during the
time of the holy prophet ( pbuh) and his companions since there was already an
established practice .(see
footnote – 2)
Footnote 1
There is one narration made by Jabir Ibne Abdullah about the Taraweeh
prayers offered by the Holy prophet (pbuh) with his companions. He says that “prophet
(pbuh) one night prayed 8 rakaats prayer and then offered witr. Another night
we gathered in the mosque hoping that he would come out to lead the prayer but
we waited up to Fajr.” this hadith has been narrated by Tabarani in his book
Al-Maujam Us Sagir page 108
Although the chain of transmission of this narration is argumentative,
it nevertheless is in concordance with the hadith of Hazrat Aisha R.A which is
accepted by all. This narration would be taken as supportive to the SAHIH
hadith of Hazrat Aisha R.A.
Footnote 2
There is another hadith which confirms the practice of companion. Obay
ibn Ka’ab came to holy prophet (pbuh) and said: “o prophet of Allah, I did some
thing strange in the night of Ramadan. The holy prophet (pbuh) asked what it
was. He said that the ladies of my house said that they have not memorized the
holy Quran and they wanted to follow me in the salaat then I led them to pray 8
rakaats and offered witr. The holy prophet (pbuh) agreed in silence and did not
refute to it.” Refer Sahih Ibne Hiban Volume 4 page 110
It is only in the days of the Tabayein that the questions of number of
rakaats arose as some people by this time, after the death of the holy prophet
(pbuh), had initiated added rakaats to the nights of prayers.
As a result the Tabyein were curious about the prayers of the Holy
prophet (pbuh) because the Holy prophet (pbuh) prayed in the privacy of His
home during Ramadhan. They were inquisitive about any other special or added
Out of this curiosity and for their reference one of the tabayein asked
the wife of the holy prophet (pbuh) the manner of the holy prophet’s prayer
during Ramadhan, for they already knew the practice of the holy prophet (pbuh),apart
from Ramadhan. The following hadith relates:
“Abu salma ibne abdul Rahman asked Hazrat Aisha R.A.: “how was the
prayer of Allah’s Apostle in Ramadhan? She reported, “He did not pray more than
eleven rakaats in Ramadhan or in any other month. He used to pray four rakaats let alone their beauty and
length and then he prayed 3 rakaats (witr). She added, I asked, “o’ Allah’s apostle,
do you sleep before praying witr? He replied o Aisha my eyes sleep but my heart
does not sleep.”
Sahih Bukhari Vol. 3 page 128
This hadith makes it apparent that the total prayers during the nights
of Ramadhan were same as night prayers of any other month.
Another hadith suggests that such was also the practice of the
companions during Ramadhan and other times of the year. The hadith is as
“Ibne Abbas said: “when the opening verses of Surah Al-Muzzamil were
revealed, the companions were praying similar to their prayers as in Ramadhan
until its last verses were revealed. The period between the revelation of its
opening and the last verses was one year.”
Sunan Abu Dawood
Vol.1 page 503
(Arabic) with Ainul Ma’boud
Here, Ibne Abbas refers to the night prayers in the month of Ramadhan
to be the same in the number of rakaats as the night prayers of any other
month. The night prayers of any month other than Ramadhan is agreed to be 8 rakaats.
This hadith re-enforces the famous hadith (mentioned earlier) from Hazrat Aisha
R.A. when she was asked about the prayer of the holy prophet (pbuh) during
The practice of the companions
The performance of the night prayer (Qayamul Lail) in the month of
Ramadhan was offered individually at home or Mosque or in small groups during
the days of the holy prophet (pbuh)
And later in the Khilafat of
Hazrat Abu bakr and in the early years of Hazrat Umar’s Khilafat.
“Ibne Shihab said: “Allah’s Apostle (pbuh) Died and the people
continued observing that (i.e. Nawafil offered individually, not in
congregation), and it remained as it was during the Khalifat of Abu Bakr R.A.
and in the early days of Umar’s R.A.Khalifat.
Sahih Bukhari vol.3 page 126
The situation is further describes in the following hadith:
“Abdul Rahman bin Abdul Qari said, “I went out in the company of Umar bin
Al-khattab one night in Ramadan to the mosque and found people praying in
different groups. A man praying alone or a man praying with little group behind
him. So Umar said, “in my opinion I would better collect these (people) under
the leadership of one Qari (reciter) i.e. let them pray in congregation). “So,
he made up his mind to congregate them behind Ubai bin ka’ab………..”. Sahih
Bukhari Volume 2 page 126
By this command of Hazrat Umar R.A. (from the 14th year of
Hijra) the night prayer (Taraweeh) from then was performed in congregation.
Hazrat Umar R.A. appointed two imams Obay Ibne Ka’ab and Tamim Dari (refer
Muatta imam Malik page 53).
According to another narration in Sunan
Sae’ed Ibne Mansoor, Obay Ibne Ka’ab used to lead the men and Tamim Dari
used to lead the women these prayers. (Refer: Fathul Bari volume 4 page 253).
This arrangement was to accommodate the needs of those people who have not
memorized the holy Quran and so it was allowed to be held in the early part of
the night, even though Hazrat Umar R.A. was of the view that this prayer in the
latter part of the night was better. (Refer Fathul Bari Volume 4 page 253)
The practice of Hazrat Umar R.A. was to continue performing this prayer
alone at his home as he felt that, “the time of sleep, the latter part of the night,
is better than when you say your prayer in the earlier part of the night”. (Refer
Muatta imam malik page 53)
Like Hazrat Umar R.A. other prominent companions as Hazrat Usman R.A., ibne
Umar R.A. (refer Qayamul Lail by marwazi page 230-231), Ibne abbas R.A. (fathul
bari vol 3 page 253) used to perform the night prayer alone at their homes.
The appointed imam Obay ibn Ka’ab himself was not attending this prayer in the last ten
days of Ramadhan and used to pray at his home. (Refer Sunan Abu Dawood volume 1
page 375)
The command of Hazrat Umar R.A.
The night prayer that was being prayed in congregation by the order of
Hazrat Umar R.A., this congregation prayer is regarded as his Sunnah. Hazrat
Umar R.A. Also gave instructions as to
the number of rakaats to be performed by his appointed imams.
“Sa’ib b. Yazid reported that Umwar b. al khattab ordered Ubay b. ka’ab
and Tamim Al- Dari to say eleven rakaats. Sa’ib b. Yazid said that the imam
used to recite one hundred verses in one rakaat so that (while standing) we
leaned against the timber and did not finish until it was nearly morning.”
Muatta imam Malik page 53
The above hadith is also related in the following books of Hadiths:
Sunan Bayhaqi
Vol.2 page 496
Musabbaf by Abdul Razak vol. 4 page 262
Sunan said Ibne Mansoor, Fathul Bari Vol. 4 page 254
Qayamul Lail (Muktasar) page 162 shareh manil
Aasar vol.1 page 293
Zurkani shareh muatta vol.1 page 239
Almasabis by suyuti page 19
Imam Ibne Ishaq
says: “out of all narrations I have heard in this regard this is the most authentic,
and it is in accordance with hazrat Aisha’s narration.”
We have
quoted this hadith from the muatta of imam Malik because imam Malik was the
highest authority in the matter of hadith in his time and is one of the four
renowned imams.
The second
element that makes this hadith the most reliable is that the relater of this
hadith, sa’ib Ibne yazid R.A. was a companion of the Holy prophet (pbuh)
narration quoted by imam Malik is authentic and has been widely accepted by the
Mohadiseen. Nevertheless, some scholars have contested imam Malik’s narration
and claim that imam Malik was mistaken as to the number of rakaats. Imam Malik
has quoted eleven (11) rakaats instead of twenty one (21) rakaats as narrated
by Abdur razak in his book Al mussanaf Vol: 4 page 260. This misunderstanding
as to the number of rakaats has been generated by ibne Abdur Barr.
Ibne Abdur
Barr says:
“Qala Malik
feehadal hadith ehdaashara rakah wa ghairuhu waqoolu feehee ehda wa ishreen”
“Malik in
this hadith narrates 11 rakaats and others narrate in this 21”attamheed volume
8 page 108.
difference is in the words ehda ashara (as narrated by imam Malik) meaning 11
and ehda wa ishreen (as narrated by abdur razak meaning 21).
Ibne Abdur Barr had assumed that imam Malik was
the only narrator of 11 rakaats while there are others authentic narrations for
11 rakaats as has been narrated by SA’ID IBN MANSOOR in his book SUNAN SA’ID
IBN MANSOOR,(refer FATHUL BARI VOL .4 PAGE 253),and yahya Ibne Sa’id al
qattan.(refer AL MUSANNAF IBNE ABI SHAIBA VOL 2 PAGE 391).that is why ZURQANI in his commentary on
MUWATTA IMAM MALIK says that Ibne Abdur was mistaken(refer SHARHUZ ZURQANI ALAL
Ibne Abdur Barr embraced the narration of Abdur Razak over the narration of a renowned
and a great personality like imam Malik.
It is known
to all the mohadiseen that Abdur Razak in the latter part of his life became
confused and disjointed (MUKHTALAT) and as a result was not able to
differentiate between verified and non- verified reports.
it is inappropriate in any circumstances to equate the narration of Abdur Razak
to the narration of a great IMAM like imam Malik. Added to this is that the
authentic hadith as narrated by imam Malik is further reaffirmed by other
authentic hadiths by sa’id Ibne mansoor and yahya Ibne sa’id al kattan.
Now, there
is no doubt whatsoever that the narration of imam Malik in his MUWATTA is an
authentic narration in regard to the number of rakaats as ordered Hazrat Umar R.A.
Was The Order of Hazrat Umar R.A For
20 Rakaats?
There is not
a single authentic hadith from any persons who lived during the time of
Hazrat Umar R.A which suggests that the order for QAYAMUL LAIL was for more
than 11 rakaats(expect the narration of Abdur Razak which has been discussed
Some other
people who were born after the death of Hazrat Umar R.A have suggested that the
order of Hazrat Umar R.A was 20 rakaats. Only two such narrations are recorded,
they are as follows:
“Yahya Ibn Said Ansari says that Umar Ibne Al
Khattab ordered a person to lead them In 20 rakaats”.Mussannaf ibn abi shaiba
Vol 2 page 393
narration cannot be relied upon as Yahya ibne Sa’ad Ansari was born in 69 AH, which
is at least 48 years after the death of Hazrat Umar R.A. this report does not
state any chain or source of transmission. This report therefore is regarded as
Munkate’ Asar, meaning it has broken chain of transmission and thus has no merit.
The second claim comes from Abdul Aziz Ibne Rufei who says:
Obay ibn
ka’ab was leading people in prayer 20 rakaats in medina in Ramadhan.”
ibne Abi Shaiba Vol. 2 Page 393
This claim
does not stipulate that such was the order of Hazrat Umar R.A. but one could assume from this claim that
since Obay ibn Ka’ab was the appointed imam by Hazrat Umar R.A. the order could
therefore be for 20 rakaats, However, this claim of abdul aziz ibne rufei also
has no merit because he is claiming an event which was not even possible for
him to witness since he was born in the year 36AH. Which is about 15 years
after the death of Hazrat Umar R.A. the imam Obay ibn ka’ab died 20 years
before Abdul Aziz Ibne Rufei was born. Apart from this, the report also has no
chain of transmission.
The above
two claims have been rejected by the Mohadiseen as unreliable and baseless.
We quote
another report from Musannaf of Abdur razak:
“Saib ibn
yazid says: we were returning from night prayer during the time of Hazrat Umar
R.A. Near the Fajr and Qayamul Lail in
his time was 23 rakaats’”
Abdur Razak
Vol4 page
This report
does not state whether this was the order of Hazrat Umar R.A. the author of
Musannaf himself became mukhtalat and one of the narrators of this report Haris
ibne Abdur rahman ibne abi zubab used to suffer from delusions (Yahimu) (takrib
ut tahzib vol 1 page 142). Hafiz ibne hajr in his book tahzib ut tahzib vol 1
page 437 quotes ibne hazm as saying
that this narrator is weak ( Zaif)
There is
also one other narration in Sunnan Beheqi as follows:
“they were
praying during the time of Hazrat Umar R.A. in the month of Ramadhan 20 rakaats and they were reciting one hundred
verses and they were leaning against the timber in the days of Usman bin affan R.A.
standing strenuously.
Vol 2
page 496
This report
appears muddled and confused. It begins to relate about the prayers in Hazrat
Umar R.A. time and then stands in prayer in Hazrat Usman’s time. Secondly, this
report is in direct opposition to imam Malik’s narration. The perception of the
time of incident has been lost. The narrator of this report Abu Abdullah Ibne
Muhammad Ibne hussain Ibne fenjuei dinori is known to embrace pugnacious
elements in his reports thus contradicting reliable authorities of hadith. That
is why the Mohadiseen have denounced him as” Kasir ar riwayate lil mannakir”
(refer siyar A’ala Min nubala Vol17 page 384).
Thus it
leaves no doubt whatsoever that the order of Hazrat Umar R.A. was only for 11 rakaats.
There are reports
of practices of certain other individuals and groups which states the number of
rakaats from 23 to 43. All these reports declare the practices of the
individuals and groups. None of them proclaim that these numbers of rakaats are
the Sunnah of the Holy prophets (pbuh) or the order of Hazrat Umar R.A.
particular narration most frequently quoted is: “Yazid b. Ruman reported that
people used to say 23 rakaats in the time of Umar b. Al khattab.” (Muattwa imam
Malik page 53)
This report
does not proclaim the number of rakaats to be the order of Hazrat Umar R.A. the
narrator Yazid B. Ruman was not even born during the time of Hazrat Umar R.A. there
is no chain of transmission of this report.
All the
above constitutes this report as invalid and unreliable as it also directly is
in conflict with the authentic report of imam Malik who narrated 11 rakaats.
We quote a
hadith which is also normally presented with regards to 20 rakaats.
“Ibne Abbas said:
“the holy prophet (pbuh) was praying in the month of Ramadhan without
congregation 20 rakaats and witr.” Sunan Beheqi Vol. 4 page 496
This hadith
is the only hadith of 20 rakaats which purports to quote directly from a
companion of the holy prophet (pbuh) and is in conflict with the Sahih Hadith
of Hazrat Aisha R.A. for 11 rakaats.
Let us
examine this hadith and discern whether this narration is credible. To do this,
one must scrutinize the chain of transmission and verify the validity of this
This hadith
has been narrated on the authority of Abu Shaiba. The main source of this
hadith is Abu Shaiba Ibrahim ibn Usman Abasi.
He was the grandfather of the reputed Mohaddis ibn Abi Shaiba.
In their
commentaries on this hadith we cite certain authorities who are distinguished
scholars (Mohadiseen) from all the schools of thought in the field of hadith to
comprehend the validity of this particular hadith.
following are their comments:
Imam Beheqi upon immediately writing this hadith
, in his comment says that this hadith is a solitary report of Abu Shaiba Ibrahim ibne Usman Absai Kufi, and he is not
reliable.( ref. Sunan Beheqi vol. 3 page 496)
Imam Sho’ba says “he was a liar”. (ref: Mizan
Ulaetadal Vol.1 page 48)
Imam Ahmed Ibne Hambal says: “he narrates many
pugnacious hadiths (munkarul hadiths).” (ref: al Jahro watta dil Vol 2 page
Imam Nasai says: “his hadiths are rejected (Matrookul
hadiths)”. (ref: Kitab us zofa wal
matrookeen page 283 – by imam nasai)
Imam Bukhari says: “people ignored him Sakatu
Anhu) as a narrator of hadiths.”
(Ref: Kitab us zofa wal matrookeen page 251 – by imam
Imam ibn
Maeen says: “he was not a trustworthy narrator”. (Ref (a) Tarikh ibn M’een by
Darmi page 243. (b) Mizan ul Aetadal vol 2 page48 – by imam zahabi. (c)
Al jarhoo watta dil vol. 2 page 115- by ibn Abi Hatim
Imam Tirmizi says: “he was a pugnacious
(munkarul hadith) narrator.” ( ref: Tahzibut Tahzib vol. 1 page 144- by Ibn
Hajr Al Asqalani)
Imam Abu Hatim says: “I will not narrate from
him until death, he was a weak narrator, and scholar ignored him and rejected
his narrations.” ( ref: Al Jarho watta dil vol. 2 page 115)
Imam ibn hibban says: “he was a suspicious
person, making mistakes in his narrations, that is why he was not a trustworthy
narrator.” ( ref: Al Mujroohin vol. 1 page 104 – by Ibne Hibban)
Imam Dulabi says: “his narrations are rejected (matrookul
hadith)”. (Ref: Tahzib ut Tahzib vol.1 page 144.)
Imam Joz Jani says: “he was a disgraced person (sakit)
as a narrator”. (ref: Tahzib ut tahzib vol. 1 page 144)
Imam Abu Aur’ah says: “he was a weak narrator”.
( ref: Al Jarho watta Dil Vol. 2 page 115)
Imam Ibne Sa’ad says: “ he was a weak narrator”
( ref: Tahzib ut tahzib vol. 1 page 114)
Imam Sufian Thauri says: “whoever hears his
narration, says it’s a lie”. ( ref: Masail Ahmed – by Ibne Hani vol.2 page 222)
Imam Ibne Humam Hanafi says: he was not a
trustworthy narrator in the view of the unanimous agreement of all the
scholars.” (ref: Fathul Qadir volume 1 page 205)
The above are just a few of the comments that have been
quoted that verily beyond doubt that this narration is unreliable and one
cannot utilize this to prove the matter otherwise.
No. 1
Ainnee Hanafee - Rahimahullaah - writes the following in his book
"If you
were to state that it is not clear in the narrations (by Imaam Bukhaaree),
regarding the number of Rakaa'ah the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam)
prayed in these nights (the three (3) nights of Ramadhaan).
In response I
say there is a narration from Ibn Khuzaimah and Ibn Hibbaan from the Hadeeth of
Jaabir (radi-Allaahu 'anhu) who said that:
"The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) prayed eight Rakaa'ah with us
in the month of Ramadhaan and finished with the Witr." [Umdatul-Qaree
Sharah Saheeh Bukhaaree, vol. 3, page 597, Egyptian print]
Evidence No. 2
Zailaee Hanafee - Rahimahullaah - has also asserted in 'Nasbur-Rayaah Fee
Takhreejer Ahadeetheer Hidaayah':
"Also Ibn
Hibbaan in his Saheeh has narrated from Jaabir Ibn Abdullaah (radi-Allaahu
'anhu) that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) prayed Eight Rakaa'ah
with his Companions (radi-Allaahu 'anhum ajma'een) in the month of Ramadhaan
and finished with Witr." [Nasbur-Rayaah, vol. 2, page 152]
No. 3
Imaam Muhammad
- Rahimahullaah - one of the renowned students of Imaam Abu Haneefah -
Rahimahullaah - has mentioned in his book 'Muwatta' the famous narration of
Aa'ishah (radi-Allaahu 'anhaa):
it was Ramadhaan or any other month Allaah's Messenger (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa
sallam) did not pray more than eleven Rakaa'ah." [Muwatta, Imaam Muhammad,
page 138]
No. 4
Imaam Ibn
Humaam - Rahimahullaah - writes in 'Fathul-Qadeer':
conclusion the Qiyaam of Ramadhaan (Taraweeh) consists of eight Rakaa'ah with
Jamaa'ah (congregation) as it was done by our beloved Prophet (sal-Allaahu
'alayhe wa sallam)." [Fathul-Qadeer, Sharah Hidayaah, vol. 1, page 334]
Written in the
footnote of 'Hidaayah' (a reliable book of the Hanafee Fiqh, vol. 1, page 96),
is the following:
"The 'Sunnah' is that which the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa
sallam) did regularly."
No. 5
Mullaa Alee Qaaree Hanafee - Rahimahullaah - says:
the Taraweeh prayer consists of eleven Rakaa'ah as it was the practice of our
beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sal-Allaahu 'Alayhi wa sallam)." [Mirqaat
Haashiyah Mishkaat, vol. 2, page 115]
After quoting
this 'Allaamah Mullaa Alee Qaaree Hanafee - Rahimahullaah - also says:
it has authentically been proven from the Prophet (Sal-Allaahu 'Alayhi wa
sallam) that he (Sal-Allaahu 'Alayhi wa sallam) prayed Eight Rakaa'ah Taraweeh
with his Companions (Radi-Allaahu 'anhum ajma'een) and finished with the
Witr." [Mirqaat Haashiyah Mishkaat, vol. 2, page 174]
No. 6
'Allaamah Abdul
Hayy Lucknaawee Hanafee Rahimahullaah states in his book
'Taleequl-Mumjeed' that:
narration which Ibn Hibbaan has narrated in his Saheeh of Jaabir Ibn Abdullaah
(Radi-Allaahu 'anhu) that the Prophet (Sal-Allaahu 'Alayhi wa sallam) prayed
eight Rakaa'ah (Taraweeh), with his Companions in the month of Ramadhaan and
finished with Witr is Very Saheeh." [Taleequl-Mumjeed, Sharah Muwatta,
Imaam Muhammad]
No. 7
Imaam Muhammad
Ibn Nasr Marwazee - Rahimahullaah - in his book 'Qiyaamul-Lail' from Jaabir Ibn
Abdullaah (Radi-Allaahu 'anhu) that Ubay Ibn Ka'ab (Radi-Allaahu 'anhu) went to
the Messenger of Allaah (Sal-Allaahu 'Alayhi wa sallam) and said:
"I have done
something last night (in Ramadhaan)." The Prophet (Sal-Allaahu 'Alayhi wa
sallam), said, "What is it, Ubay?" He (Ubay Ibn Ka'ab) replied,
"Some of the women in my house told me, 'We cannot read the Qur'ân, so can
you lead us in prayer?', so I led them in eight Rakaa'ah followed by one
Witr." The Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) did not say anything
which made it an approved Sunnah (taqreere). [Qiyaamul-Lail, Marwazee, page 90.
Al-Haythamee said about this report in Majma-Zawaaed, vol. 2, page 74, that
it's Isnaad (chain) is Hasan (good)]
No. 8
Imaam Tahaawee
- Rahimahullaah - has said in 'Ma'aaneul-Athaar', which is considered as one of
the most reliable books in Hanafee Fiqh:
Ibn Yazeed has said Umar Ibn al-Khattab (Radi-Allaahu 'anhu) commanded Ubay Ibn
Ka'ab and Tameem ad-Daaree to lead the people in (Qiyaam) Taraweeh with eleven
Rakaa'ah finishing with the Witr." [Ma'aaneul-Athaar, vol. 1, page 173,
and also narrated in Muwatta Imaam Maalik, page 40]
From the above
narration we come to understand that the practice of the Companions of the
Prophet (Sal-Allaahu 'Alayhi wa sallam) was to pray eight Rakaa'ah Taraweeh,
and also during the era of the second Caliph Umar (Radi-Allaahu 'anhu) said or
did the Sunnah of the Taraweeh prayer which was eight Rakaa'ah finishing with
Witr, as it has been reported by Imaam Tahaawee - Rahimahullaah - in
No. 9
Imaam Ahmad
Tahtaawee - Rahimahullaah - writes:
the Prophet (Sal-Allaahu 'Alayhi wa sallam) did not pray twenty (20), but he
prayed eight (8) Rakaa'ah." [Tahtaawee Hashiyyab, Dure - Mukhtar, vol. 1,
page 295]
In the same
manner 'Allaamah Abu Saood Hanafee - Rahimahullaah - has written, in 'Sharah
Kanz', a similar statement on page 265.
No. 10
Abul-Hasan Shurunbalaalee Hanafee - Rahimahullaah - the author of the famous
Hanafee Fiqh book regarding worship 'Noor ul-Eedhaa' writes:
"It has
authentically been established that the Prophet (Sal-Allaahu 'Alayhi wa sallam)
prayed eleven Rakaa'ah with congregation finishing with the Witr."
[Maraaqiul-Falaah Sharah Noor ul-Eedhaa, page 274]
No. 11
Moulvi Muhammad
Ahsan Nanotwi - Rahimahullaah - writes:
the Prophet (Sal-Allaahu 'Alayhi wa sallam) did not pray twenty but he prayed
eight Rakaa'ah." [(Footnote) of Kanzud - Daqaaeq, page 36]
No. 12
Moulvi Ahmad
Alee Sharanpuri - Rahimahullaah - writes:
the Qiyaam (Taraweeh) of Ramadhaan is Sunnah with eleven Rakaa'ah in
congregation finishing with the Witr, just as it was the practice of the
Prophet (Sal-Allaahu 'Alayhi wa sallam) in the month of Ramadhaan with
congregation." [(Footnote) of Bukhaaree, vol. 1, page 154]
And the
following has also been written:
"The only
authentic narration which has been proven with Saheeh Hadeeth regarding the
Taraweeh prayer with the Witr is the narration of eight Rakaa'ah." [Ain
ul-Hidayyah, page 562]
No. 13
'Allaamah Abdul
Hayy Lucknaawee Hanafee Rahimahullaah - writes the following regarding the number
of Rakaa'ah for Taraweeh:
Hibbaan and others have narrated that the Prophet (Sal-Allaahu 'Alayhi wa
sallam) in these (three) nights prayed eight Rakaa'ah with his Companions
(Radi-Allaahu 'anhum ajma'een) in congregation." [Umdatur-Raayah, vol. 1,
page 207]
And 'Allaamah
Abdul Hayy Lucknaawee Hanafee - Rahimahullaah, in 'Taleequl-Mumjeed' page 138,
declares the above narration to be VERY SAHEEH.
No. 14
One of the
famous late Hanafee Scholars by the name of Moulvi Muhammad Zakareeyyah
Khandelvi - Rahimahullaah, author of "Tableeghi Nisaab", says:
to the principles of the Muhadditheen (Scholars of Hadeeth) it has not been
authentically proven in the correct manner with a 'Marfoo' narration,
('elevated', a narration from the Prophet Sal-Allaahu 'Alayhi wa sallam),
reported by a companion, successor, and others that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu
'alayhe wa sallam) prayed twenty." [Awjazul-Masaalik Sharah Muwatta Imaam
Maalik, vol. 1, page 397]
No. 15
Noa'maan has
"As it has
been commonly known (amongst the people) that twenty Rakaa'ah Taraweeh is the
Sunnah, this is not authentically proven from the Prophet (Sal-Allaahu 'Alayhi
wa sallam). What is correct is at the time of the Prophet (Sal-Allaahu 'Alayhi
wa sallam) according to his command the practiced Sunnah was in accordance with
the (famous) narration of Aa'ishah (Radi-Allaahu 'anhaa) as it can be found in
Saheeh Bukhaaree, which is:
it was Ramadhaan or any other month Allaah's Messenger (Sal-Allaahu 'Alayhi wa
sallam) did not pray more than eleven Rakaa'ah."
(Radi-Allaahu 'anhaa) knows better than other people about the affairs of the
Prophet (Sal-Allaahu 'Alayhi wa sallam) at night." [In Fatah Sirul-Manaan
Fee Ta'eed Madhabeen-Noa'maan]
No. 16
'Allaamah Ibn
Humaam Hanafee - Rahimahullaah - writes:
narration which Ibn Abee Shaybah, Tabaraanee and Bayhaqee have narrated from
Ibn Abbaas (Radi-Allaahu 'anhu) that the Prophet (Sal-Allaahu 'Alayhi wa
sallam) used to pray twenty Rakaa'ah finishing with Witr in the month of
Ramadhaan is 'Da'eef' (weak). As the narrator is Abu Shaibah Ibrahim Ibn
Uthmaan who is the grandfather of Imaam Abu Bakr Ibn Abee Shaibah and he is
'Da'eef' (a weak narrator). Apart from this the (above) narration also
contradicts the authentic narration." [Fathul- Qadeer Ma'aa Hidayyah, vol.
1, page 205]
No. 17
Zailaee Hanafee - Rahimahullaah - writes:
"Ibn Abee
Shaibah has narrated from the Hadeeth of Ibrahim Ibn Uthmaan Abu Shaibah that the
Prophet (Sal-Allaahu 'Alayhi wa sallam) used to pray twenty Rakaa'ah finishing
with the Witr. This Hadeeth is Ma'lool meaning DA'EEF (weak) because it
contains a narrator by the name of Abu Bakr Ibn Abee Shaibah. This narrator is
DA'EEF (a weak narrator), because there is a consensus amongst all the
Muhadditheen (scholars of Hadeeth) that the (above) narrator (Abu Shaibah
Ibrahim Ibn Uthmaan) is Da'eef (a weak narrator)." [Nasbur-Rayyah, vol. 2,
page 153]
No. 18
Zailee Hanafee - Rahimahullaah - also says:
"Ibn Adda
in 'Kamil' has declared the (above) narration (the narration which contains Abu
Shaibah Ibrahim Ibn Uthmaan) 'Leen' (meaning Da'eef - weak). Apart from this
the (above) narration contradicts the authentic narration reported by Aa'ishah
(Radi-Allaahu 'anhaa), which is:
Salmah Ibn Abdur-Rahmaan asked Aa'ishah (Radi-Allaahu 'anhaa) about the
Messenger's (Sal-Allaahu 'Alayhi wa sallam) prayer in Ramadhaan." She
said, "Whether in was in Ramadhaan or any other month, Allaah's Messenger
did not pray more than eleven Rakaa'ah." [Nasbur-Rayaah, vol. 2, page 153]
No. 19
'Allaamah Anwar
Shah Kashmiree Hanafee - Rahimahullaah - writes the following about twenty
"What is
authentically proven from the Prophet (Sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) is the
number of eight Rakaa'ah and the report that states that the Prophet
(Sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) prayed twenty has been narrated with a weak
chain which makes it Da'eef (weak) and there is 'IJMAA' (consensus) upon its
weakness." [Al-Urfus - Shizaa, page 209]
No. 20
From the book
'Zuhratul Riyaadil Abraar', chapter of Taraweeh, Issue: Eight Rakaa'ah
Shurunbalaalee has stated in his book 'Maraqeeyul Falaah, Sharah Noorul Idha'
(the explanation of Noorul Idha):
"To pray
eight Rakaa'ah in congregation is Sunnatul Kifaayah (a Sunnah to be performed
by a group of people), as it has been proven that the Prophet (Sal-Allaahu
'Alayhi wa sallam) prayed eleven Rakaa'ah in congregation concluding with the
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